Tech Tour: Maritime Trade & Logistics landed in Barcelona on Wednesday 1st June. The event took place in the context of SIL Barcelona, at La Fira de Barcelona, and was presented by Emma Cobos, Director of Innovation and Business Strategy of Port of Barcelona; Cristina Aleixendri, COO & Co-Founder of Bound4Ble, and Xavier Mayo, Economic Advisor of Barcelona Activa.
There were 33 startups, 30 investors and more than 90 experts, entrepreneurs and representatives of the port community, its terminals and operators. And, AllRead, was one of the selected startups invited to attend the event and contribute with our vision on digitisation, sustainability and innovation.
Throughout the event, several expert panels, pitching sessions and one-to-one meetings with investors and partners took place.
What is Tech Tour: Maritime Trade & Logistics?
The event was created by the Port of Barcelona and, like its other 12 activities in the framework of SIL, is aligned with the port’s strategic plan. The main objective was creating synergies between investors and corporate partners with innovative companies, previously selected and invited by the organisation itself, that are looking for funding and strategic alliances in the port industry in the European market.
The reason for this is that the maritime-port sector is still unattractive for start-ups, which means that there are few innovative solutions that meet the needs of the industry and allow for a growing evolution of the sector in the coming years.
Bringing startups and investors together could bring the attention on the maritime sector and contribute to make the potential of the port and Barcelona as a perfect place to invest, to locate and attract innovation.

On 14th and 15th June, Tech Tour organised an online pitching event where companies present at SIL Barcelona presented their solutions again. Startups that could not attend in person will also join the event.
The companies that have obtained funding from Tech Tour are candidates to be part of the Blue Tech Port, the port district dedicated to the blue economy. It will hold startups, international institutions, innovation centres from corporates and training centres such as the Institut de Logística de Barcelona.
AllRead, shortlisted in the first edition of Tech Tour
Throughout the last year prior to Tech Tour, the Port of Barcelona made a pre-selection of companies to present themselves at the event. After that, the companies showed their solutions to the committee. This was also the case for AllRead, represented by our CEO Miguel Silva-Constenla.
Among the 30 shortlisted companies, very different from each other, only 6 – including AllRead – were selected as solutions in the field of sensorisation and tracking, as these are still unresolved challenges with associated high costs.
What does our solution provide?
We provide ports and terminals with our intermodal intelligent reading software, based on Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning and Computer Vision), capable of detecting, reading and digitising several codes simultaneously from any fixed or mobile camera.
As we have already seen with success in ports such as Algeciras or Barcelona, this intelligent reading system is capable of reading any text and alphanumeric tag in real time. It does so from any image captured by any device (mobile phone, security camera, etc.) even if it is damaged, dirty or even out of focus.
As a result, we have been able to verify that this innovation improves environmental sustainability by reducing emissions by up to 220,000 tonnes of CO2, speeds up the exit, entry and circulation of vehicles and goods. Reducing delays and transit times by up to 25%, and significant savings in economic costs of up to 80 million euros per year.
The implementation of state-of-the-art traceability technologies such as AllRead will improve the efficiency of operations and reduce bottlenecks regardless of the size or volume of port operations.

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