OCR Solutions for Ports and Terminals

AllRead provides Lightweight Gate, Rail and Crane OCR Systems for Ports, Terminal Operators and Intermodal Platforms. AI-powered software installed On-Premise and connected to off-the-shelf cameras, capturing all container inbound and outbound activities to be integrated in real time, including proof of condition images, with the existing information management systems.   

Our team walks you through the whole process: we design the installation depending on the available space and infrastructure, we assist you in the acquisition and installation of the required Hardware and help you with integration. Once completed, AllRead is accountable for the quality of the delivered data.  


Detects and digitises container codes (BICs) and license plates (tractor and trailer) from various parts of the lane.


It detects and digitises the wagon (UIC) and container (BIC) codes at each passage of the train, from both sides of the track.


Detects and digitises container codes (BICs) when loading or unloading the vessel on sea or river container cranes.

ARS© OCR Mobile

Detects and digitises intermodal codes (BICs, Seals, etc.), Hazardous Goods (ONU codes) and vehicle attributes.

ARS_Mobile. AllRead SDK for ports.