AllRead participates in LATAM Ports Virtual Forum

LATAM Ports Virtual Forum took place virtually on Tuesday 2nd August to Thursday 4th August. The meeting started with a welcome speech by Jorge Durán, Head of Section of the Inter-American Committee on Ports (CIP).

A total of 17 speakers and hundreds of attendees participated, including transport ministers representing countries such as Ecuador or Chile, port authorities such as Panama or Peru, general and national administrations of the different ports and a group of private companies. AllRead was one of the participating companies and Silver sponsor of the event.

Several presentation sessions and meetings were offered throughout the event.

What is LATAM Ports Virtual Forum?

The event was organised by RDN Global, a London-based company specialising in organising forums, summits, private meetings, conferences and other events.

Three main topics were covered in the event:

  • Port infrastructure opportunities in the region.
  • New projects and their potential (expansion, construction, equipment, modernisation, recovery, etc.).
  • Current interest of investors in the sector in the region.

Based on these topics, two days of presentations were held, discussing major ports projects, development, operations and financing and a day dedicated to One 2 One meetings. The main challenge was making contact easier for private companies with decision-makers to discover the possibilities of short and long-term cooperation, thus enabling attendees to get first-hand information on the sector priority projects, financing and investment opportunities.

The Role of the Private Sector in Port Industry Development

Our participation in LATAM Ports Virtual Forum.

The aim of the event was promoting port development and innovation by bringing together both public and private sectors, enabling a potential synergy. This way, private companies grasp a better understanding of several institutions’ needs and current industry situation, creating strategic alliances and consequently new projects.

Our Business Development Manager, Jenniffer Rincón, presented at the panel “The Role of the Private Sector in the Development of the Port Sector”, where she explained the origins of AllRead’s technology, the challenges we face and how we contribute to the improvement and optimisation of operations and security through the identification of all types of codes in ports, from any camera.

In our speech, we shared how we make available our intermodal intelligent reading software, based on Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning and Computer Vision), capable of detecting, reading and digitising several codes simultaneously from any fixed or mobile camera at ports and terminals.

Benefits of AllRead for Ports and Terminals

As we have already successfully seen in projects with ports such as Algeciras and Barcelona, this intelligent reading system is capable of reading any text and alphanumeric tag or code in real time.

This not only represents a step forward in digitisation and competitiveness, but also improves environmental sustainability by reducing emissions by up to 220,000 tonnes of CO2, speeding up exits, entries and circulation of vehicles and goods. It also reduces traffic jams and delays and transit times by up to 25%, leading to significant savings in economic costs of up to 80 million euros per year.

With the implementation of cutting-edge traceability technologies such as AllRead in ports and terminals around the world, a relevant improvement in operational efficiency and reduction of bottlenecks is expected, regardless of the size or volume of port operations.

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