AllRead participates at AspBAN’s roundtable about the Blue Economy

On Wednesday 10th March, the Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration project (AspBAN) organised a round table to inspire the blue economy community. Several startups attended, including AllRead, to share with the more than 60 people who attended the event what the future of the European blue economy looks like and what their collaborative contribution to it would be.

The rountable started with a presentation by the Beta-i team, coordinator of the project, in which they explained the main objectives of the Acceleration Services programme. The startups participating were then asked about how they are or will be contributing to the evolution of the blue economy.

What is AspBAN?

The AspBAN Network is a project that has been funded by the European Union. Focused on the development of a dynamic acceleration platform, AspBAN helps EU ports to function as blue economy hubs.

By becoming the main playing field for the development of new maritime businesses, EU Atlantic ports have the opportunity to diversify their revenue sources and work towards a sustainable ocean economy.

Ports are one of the main interfaces with the ocean, which means that they will play a strategic role as launching pads for a new generation of blue businesses.

The Blue Economy in 2035

The future of the blue economy is complicated by the situation we are currently experiencing with the rise in oil prices and the inconveniences derived by the war in Ukraine.

It has caused major impacts on port operations, which has left many companies unable to continue to deliver goods when the price of oil is above historic levels and makes it impossible to carry out operations.

Against this backdrop, we were asked what our vision of the world in 2035 was and what AllRead’s role would be in this change.

Adriaan, our COO and Co-founder outlined some interesting changes:

  • Cheaper and cheaper hardware.
  • Full integration of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Increased port connectivity.

“Combining these three advances would open doors to many opportunities and we will be able to create predictive models that provide us with information such as when ships arrive and be accurate enough to serve them when they arrive. This avoids waiting time and, therefore, extra energy costs.”

Adriaan Landman, COO and Co-Founder of AllRead

AllRead helps to provide access to the most advanced technologies and offer a cost-effective and frictionless solution for capturing and extracting valuable information in operational environments, as also offering traceability systems easy to implement, accurate, robust, efficient and more sustainable.

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