AllRead participates in Trans-Port 2021: Ports, Technology and Startups

Jenniffer Rincón (Business Development Manager, AllRead) and Marçal Rossinyol (CTO of the company) shared their insights on “The challenges of the maritime port industry“, during Trans-Port 2021, organised in Santiago de Chile.

They were invited as speakers along with 70 other professional experts from the sector, in which topics such as challenges and trends for Maritime Authorities, women as a factor of change, sustainability in the Maritime-Port industry, Digitalization and new trends in Digital Transformation Projects were addressed.

Keep reading to discover the learnings from both sessions:

Collaboration between Start-ups or Spin-offs and Ports

Innovation in the port sector must undoubtedly be linked to research and a commitment to new technologies. That is why our Director of Technology, Marçal Rossinyol, presented his experience as a researcher at the Computer Vision Center and expert in Deep Learning and Computer Vision technologies, on the necessary collaboration between start-ups or spin-offs and ports for innovation.

Watch a clip of his speech in the video below (English subtitles available):

According to Rossinyol, a great potential is derived from the generation of innovation and research projects between ports and start-ups (and spin-offs). Thanks to open innovation calls, the exchange of information becomes easier and faster. This way, both parties benefit:

  • Startups or Spin-offs: they get the opportunity to apply their product to the market, acquiring industry experience and receiving several insights and contributions for product development.
  • Ports: they get the opportunity to be pioneers in the adoption of disruptive technologies, remaining at the technological forefront, and being able to obtain tech developments tailored to their needs.

Access the contents of his speech:

Digitalisation, disruptive technologies and AllRead’s experience

Jenniffer Rincón, as Business Development Manager of AllRead, also explained the challenges, opportunities and advantages offered by the Digital Transformation in the maritime-port sector, and the role of Artificial Intelligence in achieving this milestone.

Watch a clip of her speech in the video below (Spanish available only):

As Rincón pointed out, the adoption of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) is crucial to be profitable, innovative and able to survive in such a dynamic, uncertain and complex environment as the globalized economy in which we live.

In addition, these technologies would bring multiple benefits such as higher productivity, lower costs and the elimination of errors by reducing repetitive manual tasks, as Artificial Intelligence simplifies and automates these tasks and saves significant time, effort and costs, as well as offering rapid scalability and adaptation, enabling continuous improvement and contributing to sustainability.

Access the contents of her speech:

AllRead’s contribution to the digital transformation of the port industry

AllRead is therefore working in this area, with the aim of democratizing access to advanced technologies such as Deep Learning and Computer Vision, and lifting the technological and financial barriers to their adoption in the maritime-port and logistics ecosystem.

«Digital transformation is a marathon, not a sprint. Digital adoption can be done gradually and incrementally, taking small steps towards digitization».

Jenniffer Rincón, Business Development Manager at AllRead

If you want to know more about the event and discover the advantages of artificial intelligence for ports and terminals, contact our team.

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